Learning to Trust Your Own Psychic Ability and Intuition
One of the biggest obstacles many people face as they learn how to become psychic and tap into their own intuition is learning to trust themselves and their ability. Trusting yourself can certainly be hard to develop as we tend to second-guess every feeling, belief or psychic experience. You may find yourself asking, “Is this […]
Guide to Astrology, Numerology, and Horoscope Readings
Everything in existence is energy. Even stones, grass and soil are energy. Energy moves on sound waves called frequency. To understand better what I’m going to explain, go to YouTube and pull up binaural beats. Select one and, using headphones, listen to one. Binaural beats work on frequencies. One frequency is recorded on the […]
Evidential Mediumship
What is it? What is the goal of it? The goal of evidential mediumship is to provide evidence that there is life after the physical passing. The purpose is to provide comfort and to provide healing. It is to give a connection to Spirit and give people faith that there is life after the physical […]
Space Clearing
Space clearing can be for a large space or a small space. It can be for an indoor area or an outdoor area. Please call with details and I can give a price quote depending on the details. For example, the price for a two bedroom house will be cheaper than for a 300 room […]
Tarot Cards Information
Tarot cards come in 78 units within a single deck, and each card will have its own special meaning. When a tarot reading is performed with the cards, they will give insight into various things about your personality and life. However, to understand the significance of these cards, you must first understand what they all […]
Tarot Cards—What Do The Cards Mean?
When it comes to the tarot cards there are 78 different cards in a deck. Each one of these cards has a different meaning. When you have a card tarot reading the cards that are pulled out of the deck will give insight into your personal situation. But, you want to have an idea of […]
Psychic Ability: Who Has It?
I find the topic of psychic ability to be a fascinating one. Many traditional cultures that believe in the forces of nature and have a system of Shamanism believe and utilize psychic abilities as part of their daily practices. When you look at the definitions of what psychic is, or what being a psychic is, […]