Cheap Psychic – Must Knows Before Paying
A cheap psychic that is reliable is tough to find these days. We all remember the dreaded Miss Cleo years which has become better known for the lawsuits than the psychic revelations. Fortunately, there are legitimate psychics available. Here are a couple things to ask yourself before putting any money out. Also See: Are […]
Cheap Psychic Readings: Avoid Scams Use Trusted Sites
A psychic reading is the analysis of basic human nature by analyzing the fifth and the sixth senses of a specifc human being. Psychic readings give specific information about the individual concerned. Whereas, a psychic medium is a method in which certain people create mediums in order to get answers of their consultants by directly […]
How to Understand Your Dreams and the Hidden Messages They Convey
I became fascinated with dreams after I was experiencing the same dream years apart and I found that these dreams were linked to a past life. I found that as I was developing my psychic ability I had some very different dreams that felt more spiritual. I would wake up from a dream and know […]
Relax, Relate, Meditate
Meditation has become trendy and popular by so many boasting about the serenity and peacefulness you feel when meditating effectively. The benefits of this thousand year old practice are truly limitless. Meditation originated eons ago from a need to deepen the understanding of the spiritual and unseen aspects of life. For this very reason meditation […]
How to Get the Most From Your Psychic Reading
There are a several things you should do in order to get a reliable and accurate psychic reading. You can only get a useful reading from psychics that are truly gifted and know how to use their abilities to give accurate information to their customers. Read the bio of each psychic carefully. Read about their […]
Increase Your Psychic Powers With These 3 Techniques
Enhanced psychic powers can give you an incredible advantage in life. It enhances the quality of choices you make. It gives you an edge in knowing the truth of who a person is or what they are doing. It also gives you power to communicate and influence the mind of others. It also allows you […]
Analysis of a Dream – How to Decode Your Dreams
Dream analysis can be a bit intimidating for many people. Because dreams seem to come in fragments they may seem not to make any sense at all to your rational thinking mind. However dream analysis is sort of easy. It’s a lot like decoding a game or fitting pieces of a puzzle together. The more […]
Understanding The Idea Of Spiritual Growth
Spiritual Growth is based on one’s enlightenment and development of understanding within a particular practice based on ones spirituality. There are many forms of spirituality and beliefs. When we develop spiritual growth we find our selves integrating and applying our spirituality on a higher level in our daily lives. A good analogy to illustrate the […]
Spiritual Meditation
Originally spiritual mediation was an aspect of religious practice often giving enlightenment to the practitioner. It has come to the Western Hemisphere by way of the Far East mainly India, China and Japan. Spiritual Meditation can be found however throughout the world in various cultures as part of their practices as well. Although the origins […]
Spiritual Guide: Our Guardian Angels
Is a term that is used in Western spiritualist belief systems to describe a spiritual entity out side of the body that acts as a protector or counselor to a living being. In non-western traditional spiritually orientated societies, it is quite natural to interact with spiritual bodies that reside outside of a human being. Western […]